The future of beauty devices


Will our bathroom become a room for dermatologic professional treatments? It seems a probable scenario if we analyse the changes in course in the market of beauty appliances. A market where the terms like laser, pulsed light, ultrasounds and ions have become customary. Companies, in the meantime, are already projected farther, in search for new possible evolutions. In the next future, then, we are likely to have devices that monitor the skin temperature variations minute by minute and consequently trace its hydration level or smart devices able to detect tone and quality of the epidermis to adapt quantity and typology of treatments.

A trend that the research company Mintel has defined “Augmented Human”, i.e. augmented reality. “In a world where technologies aid consumers in monitoring their beauty requirements better and better– said Shannon Romanowski, Senior Beauty & Personal Care Analyst Mintel – the borders between human reality and technology are going to vanish. Looking at the future, innovations perhaps will come from the wearable technology and from applications”. In other words, we have just to wait for the device that cleans the face or massages the body, setting autonomously the correct programme according to the conditions of our skin!