New hires at the Sabaf Group


At a time when there is talk of redundancy block and resilience, the Sabaf Group goes against the tide and announces new hires. Over 250 employees were hired from July 2020 to March 2021 and other hires are arriving in the 3 new plants that will be opened by 2023. And not only new hires, but also rewards for workers who have faced the pandemic year. In fact, Sabaf decided to pay an individual bonus of 300 euros in May (in the form of services offered by the corporate welfare platform) to its 700 Italian collaborators. “The first half of 2020 was a bit complicated – explains the CEO Pietro Iotti – but from July the demand has started to grow again. Today the Group has 1500 employees, of which 250 hired from July to March: among these, 160 in Italy”. “The responsibility and commitment of the collaborators were decisive for successfully facing the 2020 emergency – continues Iotti -: we feel it is our duty to express our gratitude to the people who contributed to the excellent results of the company in such a complicated year”. The numbers speak for themselves: turnover and margins are growing, with the prospect of reaching 240 million in 2021, earlier than established by the industrial plan (that is 250 million in 2023) and a clear recovery compared to 185 million of 2020 and 155 million of 2019. “The main driver of our growth is the expansion of the range of our products – underlines Iotti – thanks to innovation and acquisitions”.