Lavazza: five-year agreement with the Polytechnic of Turin


Lavazza Group has defined a five-year agreement with the Polytechnic of Turin. The two realities, which have already been collaborating on numerous projects for some time, intend to expand their collaboration by activating a long-term strategic partnership relating to the generation of ideas, research projects, pre-feasibility studies and training. The goal is to implement, through the R&D activity, a sustainable review of the product, packaging and the coffee consumption experience, with a product and process innovation program and a concrete and measurable reduction plan of the environmental impacts. “For Lavazza Group, sustainability is the detonator of the innovation engine, which is expressed in the responsible use of resources throughout the supply chain and in the ‘Sustainable by design’ approach, that is to research, develop, test and implement actions to reduce the impact of packaging, coffee machines and production processes right from their conception – declared Antonio Baravalle, CEO of the Lavazza Group -. We have therefore outlined our Sustainable Packaging Roadmap which aims to make the entire packaging portfolio reusable, recyclable and/or compostable, and the partnership with the Polytechnic of Turin, an international excellence, goes precisely in this direction”. The purpose of the renewed partnership will be to achieve important results for the company and for the entire sector, including the development of innovative and sustainable coffee capsules and management and diagnostics systems (remote or predictive) for the coffee machines.