MECSPE: new meeting for the manufacturing industry from 29th to 31st March 2023


The primary exhibition of the manufacturing industry in Italy updates the scheduling of the 21st edition: new meeting for the supply chain from 29th to 31st March 2023 at BolognaFiere. To conform to entrepreneurs’ requirements, for the first time the exhibition will be held from Wednesday to Friday, so not including Saturday. Several special initiatives are dedicated to training, asset on which the exhibition course develops, together with digitalization and sustainability
The Italian employment is rising again in 2022, reaching, according to the most recent Istat data, the 60.1% percentage. An encouraging sign for the domestic economy that, precisely in these months, is called to face not few turbulences. In this scenario, enterprises still need to upgrade their staffs with competences that can anticipate, understand and keep pace with industry’s digitalization and innovation requirements. Not fortuitously, the last MECSPE Observatory of Senaf about the first 2022 four-month period has highlighted that the competence heritage is important for 53% of entrepreneurs in the manufacturing industry and around 25% are going to engage, or have already done that, teams with suitable education for implementing the 4.0 transformation, whereas 48% have already trained the staff working in the company.
For over twenty years, MECSPE, the exhibition of technologies and innovations for manufacturing organized by Senaf, scheduled from Wednesday 29th  to Friday 31st  March 2023 at BolognaFiere, takes care of providing enterprises with useful contacts and instruments for the 4.0 training of workers and new hires. Education, in fact, constitutes for MECSPE, together with digitalization and sustainability, one of the three fundamental assets around which the exhibition course is implemented, inside its 13 halls, through special initiatives, events, conventions and specific spaces dedicated to the most urgent issues for enterprises, which include, to a larger and larger extent, witnesses, debates and high-profile experts’ speeches.
According to this spirit, in 2023 MECSPE proposal in terms of special initiatives addressing training is updated. Starting from the confirmation, also for the next year, of the MECSPE LIVE ACADEMY, exhibition core taking up about 2,000 sq.m., which will be the fulcrum of the innovation presented at the exhibition and venue of the most interesting manufacturing trends, offering visitors the opportunity of exploring state-of-the-art technologies through short training courses. As highlighted by the Customer Satisfaction investigation administered to visitors after the last MECSPE edition, the need of discovering new products and finding innovation at the exhibition is in fact the first target in visiting the event.
However, that is not all. In exhibition days, companies will have at disposal the MECSPE YOUNG & CAREER space, to favour the meeting between job demand and supply for highly specialized professionals, often hardly found by entrepreneurs.
The return of MECSPE in spring will be fundamental also for the involvement of schools, in particular the collaboration is reconfirmed with CNOS-FAP, Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane, strongly operating in providing students with a training offer in conformity with business requirements and focused on the development of professional competences.
As usual, then, the collaboration with ITS and academic university world is going on, for the involvement at the trade fair of young professionals who are ready for their integration in companies. “Along the years, we have become aware of how much the training of new generations to be engaged in our staff, to achieve skilled technical teams, increasingly constitutes a determinant aspect for the manufacturing companies that take part in MECSPE – states Maruska Sabato, Project Manager of MECSPE –. For this reason, we operate as facilitator of the meeting between companies and young people, ready to be included in the world of work, in a historical time like the current one, when business competences are the foundations of innovation and growth. The room for training, in MECSPE programme, will be then very broad, with the target of providing a high-quality service to exhibitors and visitors, and especially of widening further the large network we have implemented in time. Moreover, for the new edition we have changed the dates, from Wednesday to Friday– with the exclusion of Saturday – to meet entrepreneurs’ requirements”.
Simultaneously with MECSPE METEF will take place, the international expo dedicated to the aluminium chain by Senaf, a central field for the sustainable industrial production. Finally, in 2023 MECSPE will double the appointment and will be held in Bari from 23rd to 25th November with “Focus Mediterraneo” at Nuova Fiera del Levante, an edition dedicated to the development of 4.0 technologies and a proposal increasingly focused on sustainability and innovation of manufacturing processes.
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