Whirlpool opens a reconditioning center for its appliances in Italy


Whirlpool has opened a center for the reconditioning of its appliances in Carinaro (Italy), within the Whirlpool EMEA spare parts and accessories logistics hub. After a careful process of repair and quality control, the products are put back on the market for sale. “Sustainability is at the heart of our culture and, at Whirlpool, we are committed every day to lead the sector towards increasingly sustainable practices. This year we have set ourselves even more challenging goals, with the commitment to spread a culture that supports sustainability, offering an innovative service for green purposes – says Paolo Lioy, CEO of Whirlpool Italy and Iberia -. It is for this reason that we have decided to open a reconditioning center for our appliances in Carinaro. The reconditioned products are subjected to a series of tests to guarantee 100% product quality”.