Electric motors production: towards increasingly high-performance solutions


The world of electric motors is experiencing a strong evolution, which also involves the applications for the home appliance sector, with powerful but silent and efficient solutions. This represents a challenge for players involved in the design and construction of electric motor lines. Among these, there is GROB Italy, part of the GROB Group operating in the creation of production and automation systems, which talks about its commitment not only to the automotive sector but also to the home appliance sector.
“Many of the production technologies currently proposed by GROB Italy or under development – the company explains – are compatible with the motors used in the household appliances, especially high-end ones. Even the white goods sector, like many other sectors, has seen a progressive abandonment of less performing, noisier and less long-lived technical solutions, in favor of brushless motors, more efficient and electronically controlled by inverters. Most of the motors used in the air conditioning sector still have a stator built using coil insertion. The flexibility of GROB Italy’s lines allows us to offer the customer solutions also suitable for motors with multiple windings, a technical choice that is often used in HVAC applications”.

Segmented stator, axial flux and permanent magnet rotors
As GROB Italy highlights, “among the types of motors that could find increasingly widespread use in the world of home appliances, there are certainly segmented stator motors, capable of ensuring higher efficiency than normal needle-wound brushless motors (needle winding), thanks to the greater filling of the stator slots. Another interesting technology is that of axial flux motors, which thanks also to their ‘unusual’ dimensions (compared to a normal radial flux motor of the same power they have a larger diameter and a lower height) could find various uses in the home appliances”. GROB Italy has developed optimized solutions for the construction of permanent magnet rotors, both IPM and SPM. “This – the company says – is certainly a type of rotor that can find ‘transversal’ application on very different electric motors, including those present in many household appliances”.