BSH increases revenue to over €10 billion in 2013


BSH raised its total revenue by more than 7% to €10.5 billion according to the preliminary 2013 figures. Double-digit growth in China and the USA contributed to this result. EBIT topped €500 million despite the costs of a voluntary safety measure for dishwashers. Regarding the future, BSH aligns its strategy toward long-term profitable growth, and will invest substantially in innovative products and the global implementation of its multi-brand strategy. “We have reached an important milestone in our company’s history with more than €10 billion consolidated revenue, and are now poised at an excellent vantage point, poised for future international growth”, says Karsten Ottenberg, CEO of BSH (at the centre of the picture; on the left: Johannes Närger, Chief Financial Officer; on the right: Matthias Ginthum, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer). R&D intensity remained high in 2013 at more than 3% of revenue while the headcount increased to around 50,000. “BSH is looking back on an extraordinary success story and we are to continue this story. We intend to extend our position on the global market and outpace the market with profitable growth”, notes Ottenberg. BSH’s CEO states the firm will have to identify the challenges in diverse international markets for household appliances and consistently seize regional opportunities to achieve this target. BSH aims to maintain profitable growth in the years ahead by pursuing a strategy focused on the diversity of consumers’ needs. The emphasis will be on expanding regional competencies as well as on investing in the firm’s innovation capabilities, in the product portfolio and in the brands. Ottenberg adds: “Our strategy builds on what made BSH strong and made us stand out: globally renowned brands, the experience and expertise of our people, and our proven technology skills”. “Consumer behavior is changing, and regional growth markets are shifting. The impact of digitalization on products and the value chain is playing an ever more prominent role in all this”, Ottenberg adds. “We will be aligning our offer accordingly, and persistently taking advantage of and actively shaping the changes in the market. All along our value chain, from product development to marketing and service, we are redoubling the focus on consumers’ needs and offering a solution to fit each need”. Based on a solid financial position, BSH also aims to invest a high triple-digit million amount in R&D, in expanding its presence in the regions, and in its brands. Apart from Europe and China, the focus will be on North America, Turkey, Russia, the Middle East and Africa, as well as on Asia Pacific markets, including India and Southeast Asia. The final figures for fiscal 2013 will be published in late May 2014 with the annual report.