Weee? I take it to the shop!


HA_RAEELast April 12th it came into force the new regulation concerning electronic wastes, which has introduced the principle of One against Zero for small-size Weee in the shops with sale surface exceeding 400 square metres. What does it mean? Giancarlo Dezio, general director of Ecolight, national consortium for the management of Weee, of batteries and of accumulators, explains it to us: “We all will confer our old electronic appliance directly to the shop, free of charge and without necessarily having to buy one with equivalent functions”. Ecolight, in collaboration with Hera Group, proposes an experimental service in Emilia Romagna and in the Padua zone: a smart dumpster for the collection of small-size electronic wastes, of energy-saving lamps and of batteries, dedicated to stores. Fully automated, they grant the traceability of the conferred waste as well as its correct collection and disposal. The access for consumers is extremely simple: it is sufficient the identification through the health card or, where distributed, with the appropriate Hera card for the access to the ecologic isle. Indicating the product type to be conferred, the dumpster opens a door where to place the waste. It is possible to confer exclusively small-size electronic wastes, like portable phones and small household appliances, besides energy-saving lamps and standard portable batteries.
“Actually, it is a double service that we propose both to distributors, with the aim of freeing them from the management of these wastes and to consumers who will know that they will be allowed to take their electronic wastes to a determinate point – adds Dezio -. The aim is not only to continue that awareness and knowledge course of Weee but also to give a significant contribution to the collection of these wastes. The new targets indicated by the regulation are exacting: in the next two years, we will have to pass from 4 kg per head collected to 12. And the commitment of all is necessary for this: ours, by the distribution and by citizens”.