Where products were born


Tolle IdeeIt starts in November the VIII edition of the Master in Industrial Design Engineering and Innovation, the first level Master in product design of the Milan Polytechnics managed by the Consortium POLI.design.
The Master was born in 2004 under the management of the professor Francesco Trabucco and over the years it has trained international experts and professionals able to translate innovative and creative ideas, typical of the Italian design, into small-batch and volume-manufactured industrial products. A training course able to provide students with the capability of facing the design and productive course, paying particular attention to the technological, productive and cost aspects but without neglecting the aspects connected with the expressive quality. Among the companies that have collaborated with the master course, there are Ariete, De’Longhi Appliance, Design Group Italia, Ditron, Espressocap, LG Electronics, Momo Design, Whirlpool Europe, Polti and Toys Toys.