All ready for 3D printing?


HA03_WSGO_CORSIThis spring Tecniche Nuove offers a rich series of courses dedicated to the approach and the thorough analysis of 3D printing issues.

“The 3D printing process: from devising to finishing”, scheduled on 17th and 18th April, is aimed at providing participants with a complete survey of the whole process of rapid prototyping/3D printing. The teacher, Simone Majocchi, will treat themes of topical interest like the five phases of rapid prototyping and 3D printing, slicing software and the modelling solutions 3D Tinkercad, 123D Design and OpenSCAD. The cost of the course is 486.78 Euros, VAT included, and the expiry term to submit the participation applications is fixed on 10th April 2015.

On 18th April, it will be instead the time of “Materials and technologies for 3D professional printing”. The course, delivered by Werner Stefano Villa, will focus on the analysis of the materials used for the industrial rapid prototyping and on the evaluation of the various 3D printing technologies, depending on the material used and on the product characteristics that you want to achieve. The cost of the course is 231.80 Euros, VAT included, and includes also the slides that will be shown during the training course. To enrol, it is necessary to fill in the on line module within 10th April.

Programmed on 15th and 16th May, the course “Design of the model for 3D printing” intends to teach participants how to create professional models for the design world, how to transform a CAD file into a file suitable for 3D printing and how to obtain the optimal management of the digital prototype thanks to the use of Autodesk Inventor Professional.

The course, delivered by Werner Stefano Villa, costs 486.68 €, VAT included, and includes the slides shown by the teacher, too. To enrol on line, the expiry date is 8th May.

Finally, Tecniche Nuove presents the course “From bits to atom: the slicing and the 3D printing of professional models” that will be held by the teacher Werner Stefano Villa on 13th June 2015. Two the targets of the course: to teach how to execute the slicing of a 3D complex model inside a professional workflow, up to the 3D printing, and to evaluate professional and consumer printers.

The registration fee for the course (which includes also the slides shown during the training day) amounts to 231.80 Euros, VAT included. To participate, it is necessary to send the application form within 29th May 2015. On all courses, the 10% discount is applied for those who have already attended a course by Tecniche Nuove and by 15% for the subscribers of a magazine of the Group.

The courses will take place by the premises of Tecniche Nuove, in via Eritrea 21 in Milan and will be delivered when the minimum number of ten participants will be reached.

The payment modalities are explained inside the course participation cards.

For further information, please contact the organizational Secretary. Phone: 0039 02 39090260;