LG recognized by United Nations for its emission reduction efforts


LG+Energy-efficient+Ref+with+LG+India+employees%5B20150306095353466%5DLG Electronics has received CER (Certified Emission Reduction) credits from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project encouraged by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Established at the Kyoto Protocol, the CDM project rewards the emission-reduction efforts in developing countries with CER credits (each credit is equivalent to one ton of CO2). This cooperative mechanism allows the country or the private sector to meet their Kyoto Protocol targets while contributing to the sustainable development of developing countries through environmentally-friendly investments. In the Indian market, LG acquired CER credits for its refrigerators with enhanced energy efficiency. LG received CER credits equivalent to reduced energy consumption. LG, which earned approximately seven-thousand tons in CER credit earlier this month, expects to eliminate 5.8 million tons of CO2 for the refrigerator project over the next 10 years. Credits earned through this effort are expected to create as much as 3.1 million euro in additional revenue, of which a portion will be donated to assist impoverished women and children in India.