Components drive the market


HANL_15_4_ZVEIExamining the data released by sector organizations worldwide, Zvei has calculated that the incidence of the component sector on the global sales of electronic products corresponds to 21%. The information and communication technology represents another 19% of the total, followed by automation with 12%. Then come household appliances with 7%, followed by consumer electronics with 6%. The remaining 35% is then subdivided among numerous other applications, from lighting to sanitary equipment. The most important market for electronics is China, with 35% of the world sales. United States rank second with 15%, with a big gap, followed by Japan with 8%, and by South Korea with 4% and by Germany with 3%. The 65% of the world total is then concentrated in the first 5 markets. In the only European ambit Germany ranks obviously first, but Russia is second, with a steeply rising market.