The Weee collection is approaching the targets


image002With the programme agreement undersigned with the Distribution and the organizations of sales enterprises, ended the long course of the revision of the Weee Directive dated 2002: updated with the European Directive 2012/19/EU, transposed in Italy with the Legislative Decree 14/3/2014 n. 49 and with operation completed by the agreement in February 2015 for the collection of Weee transported to communal collection centres. The new agreement, which has a validity of three years, defines the general conditions of collection and management of electrical and electronic waste equipment (Weee) from Distribution Grouping Places, the modalities of withdrawal and collection of Weee delivered to Distributors, the organization of the homogeneous collection on the entire national territory, the efficiency awards that are increased and adapted to what already acknowledged by the agreement in February 2015. The agreement was signed by the Weee Coordination Centre, the trade Associations of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Producers (Confindustria has entrusted the representative of Ceced Italia with the delegation for all these associations), the Associations of waste collecting companies and the Organizations of Commercial and Distribution Enterprises. The agreement remains open for all sector players and associations. The Decree 49/2014 establishes the target of reaching, within five years, the collection of 720,000 tons of Weee, amounting to about 85% of all those generated. The goal corresponds to around 12 Kg per citizen. The agreement defines the scenario in which all players will lavish a consistent commitment to increase the collection remarkably, which today amounts to about 240,000 tons of products to be recovered and correctly disposed.