Forecasts for tablets and UHD televisions


HA10_WSGO_SAMSUNGThe United States research agency Gartner has interviewed a sample of 19,000 consumers about their programmed purchases of consumer electronics in 2016. The panel was structured in the United States, in Great Britain, in France, in China, India and Brazil. 17% of interviewees stated they were going to buy a tablet in the course of the following 12 months. This figure might seem high but it is slightly lower than the one of the current 2015-year, when 19% of consumers foresaw a similar purchase. Currently the presence rate of the tablet is by about 40% in wealthy Countries and it seems difficult to exceed this percentage because 80% of consumers declare they intend to replace their tablet only when it will be completely obsolete. The surveys by the IHS Display agency confirm the underlying trend of the world TV set market: the UHD system is ousting the traditional FHD and HD. In 2014, 12% of the TV sets sold in the world were UHD while in 2015 the percentage rose to 25%. In 2016 they are expected to reach 40%, against 42% of FHD and 19% of HD. The reason for this growth is the price drop for UHD, owing to the release on the market of new models manufactured in China. Therefore, nowadays these appliances cost on average only 11% more than other types, offering a much better vision.