Meeting, updating and… growing!


HA_NL_MECSPEThe made in Italy starts running again. After the first recovery signs highlighted last year, in the first 2015 semester the positive and recovery trend of our Country further improved. The confirmation comes from Istat that revised upwards its GDP estimates concerning the first and the second 2015-quarter. In the first three months of the current year, in fact, the Gross Domestic Product increased by 0.4% while in the second quarter the Country grew by 0.3% compared to the three previous months and by 0.7% versus the second 2014-quarter. A positive survey confirmed also by MECSPE observatory, the international exhibition of innovation technologies that will be held in Parma from 17th to 19th March 2016. According to MECSPE investigation, carried out on a sampling of 330 companies in the engineering sector, in the first six months of 2015 enterprises’ satisfaction degree is steeply rising. If in fact in 2014 45.1% of the sampling stated they were highly satisfied with their company’s trend, this year the percentage has risen to 64%. Moreover, the research highlighted that the satisfaction index is enhanced by the number of employees: the bigger is the company, the higher are the positive answers. If we examine, in fact, realities that employ from 10 to 49 workers, we can notice that utmost satisfaction is expressed by 62% of the sampling, even exceeding 82% for companies with over 50 employees. At the same time, the Observatory points out that, from January to June 2015, the turnover grew for 47% of businesses compared to the same 2014-period and that forecasts are very positive for the next six months. Almost half companies, in fact, aim at improving their turnovers in the second semester versus the first six months of the year. Data, the latter, that fully mirror the economic recovery and the renovated confidence that Italian companies and the entire Country system are living.