European pre-balance sheets


HA10_WSGO_SEMICONDUCTThe trade association DMASS (Distributors and Manufacturers Association of Semiconductor Specialists) has formulated its pre-balance sheets concerning the 2015 growth of semiconductor sales in the various European Countries. They are anyway – and it is worth reminding it – only the sales through distributors, which represent less than one third of the total market, while the remaining two thirds are constituted by the direct sales from producer to user. In this segment, DMASS provides for an average growth of sales in Europe by about 17% compared to 2014. Among the various regions, Eastern Europe Countries are expected to reach the strongest growth, with the 32% percentage. They are followed by Great Britain with 17%, Germany with 16% and Italy with 15%. Scandinavian Countries in their whole will achieve the 12% rise.