The general assembly of Ceced Italia

Marco Imparato, general director Ceced Italia

During the general assembly of Confindustria Ceced Italia (Italian association of domestic and professional appliances manufacturers), the president Manuela Soffientini commented on the results of the last year. The professional appliances sector has consolidated the connection with the Home System sectors: major and small domestic appliances, hoods, components. The companies operating in biomass heating and chimneys have in the Association the instrument that further enhances their identity and international positioning. Besides, Evaldo Porro, president of Efcem Italia (association dedicated to catering and hospitality, and part of Ceced Italia), was appointed vice-president of Ceced Italia during the assembly.

Marco Imparato, general director Ceced Italia

In 2016, thanks to the team coordinated by the general director Marco Imparato, the association activity focused on political, technical and environmental issues, in addition to market development and market surveillance. An intense work has been done about the new energy label for domestic and professional appliances: the new regulation will be published by this autumn. Some important news are the return to the A-G classes (with different times for the different products) and the introduction, from January 1st 2019, of a database managed by the European Commission with useful information for consumers and the market surveillance authorities. Finally, Paolo Falcioni, general director of Ceced Europe, presented the Home Appliance Europe 2015-2016 Report, a research that provides a detailed picture about the contribution of the household appliances sector in Europe at a social, economic and ecological level. According to the research, the Italian industry keeps positioning as a European leader in innovation and, with 36,000 direct employees, is preceded only by Germany.